Financial Company

OMIDANALYZER leads the way in Iran's stock market with a focus on algorithmic trading and financial services. They bring innovation and precision to trading strategies, ensuring optimal results for our clients. Their seasoned experts and cutting-edge technology enable us to navigate the dynamic financial landscape with accuracy and agility.

Brand Personality


Brand Archetype

Delivered Services

Development of All Marketing Activities

Following the establishment of the Omid Analyst Group as a subsidiary of Saman Bank in the field of capital management, project management encompassed all marketing unit departments, including visual identity design, website design and implementation, social media content production and publication, as well as the design and execution of online and offline advertising campaigns in collaboration with active advertising agencies in this field (such as Agah Sazan Advertising Agency). The output of this project, within 15 months of executive activities, was the implementation of all targeted departments and the commencement of the organization's regular advertising activities under the direction of the board of directors.


Logo Design



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Image 2
Image 3
Image 4

Sign Design


Color Pallete

Icon Pack

Social Media Design

Terms & Conditions


Cookies Policy

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