THE MAPLE MANIA is inspired by old-fashioned America. The music, cinema, and other cultural and artistic pursuits during that time reflect the positivity, liveliness, and prosperity of era. They're your gateway to a world of maple goodness. Their passion for all things maple is deeply rooted in the rich heritage of Japan. From delectable maple treats to artisanal maple products, they bring the sweet charm of maple to your doorstep.

Brand Personality


Brand Archetype

Delivered Services

Branding Development

In 2019, with the creation of the brand 'Meeple Mania,' the management of this project focused on the areas of visual identity, website design and implementation, and the design and implementation of a biscuit packaging line. After 8 months of activity, the project's output included the development of a comprehensive brand identity document, the design and implementation of a biscuit packaging line featuring 12 characters, and the preparation of the brand's website.



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Social Media Design

Interior Design

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